Kenan Agaev, front-end developer from Sain-Petersburg. Creating user interfaces with the help of React, Angular and native HTML5/CSS3
Hi, I'm Kenan
front-end developer
Specialized in creating sleek and comfortable user interfaces.
About me
More than two years of commercial experience in the development of interfaces with the use of both native technologies, template engines and preprocessors, and frameworks. In the past, I was a therapist, and now I want to make the web painless for users.
To make building sites faster and still following component approach I use such tools as pug scss nunjucks html-imports. I build sites with modern and crossbrowser techniques. Valid, accessible and SEO-friendly pixel-perfect markup is the least I can give.
Javascript / TS (ES6)
My javascript is typed, comfortable, clear and easy to foollow and maintain. I use ES6. Anything that can be done without any pain and npm packages from scratch, will be done from scratch.
React / Angular
Currently developing sites with React and Angular, perfomed in teams on building large projects, such as MTS Beeline Alrosa. Using framework ecosystem tools: Redux, MobX, MaterialUI, CoreUI and others.
Gulp / Webpack
To develop websites I use automatization and bundle tools. Compile Html from template engines, styles from scss, javascript minified and passed through babel.
Website for finding doctors and clinics in Portugal. Helps users find a specialist who speaks the right language. The site is developed using Strapi CMS (DigitalOcean droplet, Nginx) as a backend service, NextJS - for front-end
React/NextJSTypescriptReduxMaterial UIQEducation
Educational platform for medical clinic's staff. Developed admin panel, creating articles, messaging and notifications.
ReactTypescriptMobXMaterial UISCSSFirebaseBEMFeelsLike
Simple app for popular method in cognitive behavioural therapy - diary of feels.
ReactTypescriptMobXMaterial UIFirebaseSolar
Could not pass space theme. Little experiment with css animations, background hacks and canvas.